Chrocheted playground

Here are some aesthetics every kid should be privileged to grow up with. It’s a chrocheted  playground called Takino Rainbow Nest. Designed and made by hand by Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam (with Interplay Design & Manufacturing, Inc.)50afd423b3fc4b0cad0000d0_meet-the-artist-behind-those-amazing-hand-knitted-playgrounds-_mk090730_0987-1000x666Screen-Shot-2013-01-15-at-12.16.07-PM50afd408b3fc4b0cad0000cd_meet-the-artist-behind-those-amazing-hand-knitted-playgrounds-_mk090730_1036-666x1000Photo’s by Masaki Koizumi (via archdaily)horiuchimacadam2 (Photo via televisionbreak) Takino Rainbow Nest can be visited at Takino Suzuran National Park in Hokkaido, Japan.
Make sure to visit the netplayworks site for more chrocheted playgrounds, they produced 10 of them, all different.

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