Michael Mapes Human Specimens

Michael Mapes Human Specimens
Artist Michael Mapes has created portraits which we, at Mimi Berlin, like very much. The portraits are made out of many different, collaged fragments pinned onto the background like they were insects. You could say he dissected the human species. Below images of Specimen: E.V.Y. made in 2017 and, from the same series but dated 2007; Male Specimen: SS
Specimen: E.V.Y., Michael Mapes, 2017, 14″ x 16″ x 3.5″, Made with photographic prints, botanical elements, hair, insect pins, gelatin capsules, specimen containers, sand, dirt.

Male Specimen: SS, Michael Mapes, 16″ x 14″ x 3″. Made with photographic prints, misc collage materials, insect pins, pinning foam, glass vials, magnifiers, gelatin capsules, petri dish, resin filled plastic containers, within wood box with glass cover.

Make sure to check out his website to see other series made in a similar way like the Pin-Up or the Dutch Masters series for instance!

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