Perfume Families by Mimi Berlin

Perfume Families by Mimi Berlin

in Harper’s Bazaar NL. Mimi Berlin created “Perfume Families” with custom-made statuettes for Harper’s Bazaar NL (issue #3; Dec 014/Jan 015) This BeautyBazaar editorial is photographed by JW Kaldenbach, text is written by Maroesja de Ruyter.
Next to that JW Kaldenbach and Mimi Berlin created 3 more pages for the magazine with ready made statuettes; Our Titty Trapeze, Head Balancer and Horseback Rider are presenting high-end products by Louis Vuitton, Tiffany and Cartier. (view more of Mimi Berlin’s statuettes HERE)

Let's make some conversation! xoxo Mimi Berlin

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