Ladies who Collect Haute-Couture

Ladies who Collect Haute-Couture

Joy Venturini Bianchi, Danielle Luquet de Saint Germain, Mouna Ayoub, are collectors of Haute Couture fashion and at one point put (a part) of their private collection up for auction. (Joy Venturini Bianchi and Mouna Ayoub also are well kmown philanthropist’s. Danielle Luquet de Saint Germain was a muse to the late Yves Saint Laurent in the 1960s, and later an artistic advisor at Dior). Suzanne Saperstein (according to Vanity Fair in 2002 is the world’s biggest consumer of haute couture) donated a large sum to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art for the study and display of 18th and 19th century European clothing.

The private haute couture collection of the Swiss born Eva Maria Hatschek is currently on show In Rotterdam

More haute couture auctions on this blog

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