The Tomb of Eurysaces the Baker


Marcus Vergilius Eurysaces was a baker, his familiy tomb was built around 50-20 BC. It is one of the best preserved ‘freedman’ funerary monuments in Rome. Eurysaces
(image via


Apart from it’s modern look; the circles are believed to be grain-measuring vessels and the collums refer to a bakers’ kneading devices. The encription “Est hoc monimentvm marcei vergilei everysacis pistoris redemptoris apparet” which means “This is the monument of Marcus Vergilius Eurysaces, baker, contractor, public servant, obviously” seems written with a touch of humour, obviously.


This tomb is special because it was built by a freedmen. Freedmen were Roman citizens, former slaves set free by their masters. Nowadays one could call these selfmade persons “Nouveau Riche” because they wanted to show how wealthy they became, or leave a legacy because they weren’t noble men. Viewing history in this manner surely brings the Roman Empire closer to the years we live in nowadays. Interesting n’est pas?!