PROJECTS: even the bedtimes are good

_____________________________________________________________________________ MIMI BERLIN PORTFOLIO: PROJECTS

Even the bedtimes are good.
Für unsere Mutti und in memory of Verena Nuding.
An ongoing photo essay by Mimi Berlin on human life in bed, in random order.

Above: Verena Nuding, 22-2-1980, Even The Bed tomes are good 27, 25,5 x 31 cm, laminated xerox print.

This project is divided into two parts:
First and originally, on human life in bed, in random order. See the ongoing  photo-essay HERE
Secondly; even the bedtimes are good#34, (self) portraits UPLOADED by guests of room 34 at the Hotel Modez. You can also submit your photo HERE
Above: Photo by Beja von Bis made in Mimi Berlin’s room #34 at the Hotel Modez.