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Who is Harvey Fiona?

A couple of years ago we heard about a mysterious man and his wonderful ideas: Harvey Fiona.  Finally our dream came true, we met Harvey Fiona at a dinner party! He’s a very secluded person, but once you get him talking it is unbelievably fascinating how many concepts Mr Fiona can come up with, truly inspiring. His first project is about household, fair trade and interior; quotes from Margaret Thatcher embroidered on pillows .That may sound simple but there’s more to it, just read what we copied from the Studio Harvey Fiona website and you will understand why:

“The first series concerns a project in which Harvey pays tribute to Margaret Thatcher. As a young newcomer to Great Britain her witty quotes always used to be a source ofre- laxation for him. Harvey collected Thatcher’s funniest remarks on women’s affairs, like housekeeping, selflessness and fear of success, from interviews published in Vanity Fair, the Observer and her speeches. He then had them embroidered with dmc-embroidery silk on soft, delicate, cotton cushions. They can be used in the back of a car or on the seats of a boat”
“Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.” ~Margaret Thatcher

“The women who do the embroidery for Harvey are mostly white, provincial, housewives. They embroider a couple of hours a day, in comfortably heated living-rooms, sitting at well-lit tables, enjoying their coffees and listening to the radio. Working conditions are ideal. The women are healthy, happy and do not work for more than two hours a day. Consequently, Harvey’s products are considered extremely expensive. The price reflects the true costs of labour.”
This idea is Fair Trade according to Harvey Fiona. The price per pillow is around € 250,-, which we think is not that expensive as expected.

Mr Fiona’s mother has the last 4 existing pillows in her house, they can’t be found anywhere else anymore. You can contact his mother if you really have to own a HF Pillow, and try if she can part with one.

Want to know more about Harvey Fiona and his other concepts? please visit Harvey Fiona’s website 

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