Piet Paris e.a. Tentoonstelling in Amstelveen

Illustraties,glaskunst en mode in Museum Jan

Piet Paris e.a. -illustraties, glaskunst, mode. Dit is de titel van de groeps tentoonstelling (die niet meer) te zien (is) in Museum Jan Amstelveen. Illustrator Piet Paris heeft voor deze presentatie ook de taak van curator op zich genomen. Hij heeft divers werk van mode-ontwerpers gecombineerd met glaskunst die in het bezit zijn van het museum. Dit alles netjes, en ogenschijnlijk spontaan, verdeeld in thema’s waaronder “Ziel” en “Restruimte”.
Te zien tot 18 Juli 2023

In de tentoonstelling Piet Paris e.a. – Illustraties, glaskunst, mode in Museum JAN wordt werk van mode-illustrator Piet Paris getoond. Piet Paris, pseudoniem van Pieter ‘t Hoen (1962), reflecteert met nieuw werk op de unieke glaskunstcollectie van Museum JAN en plaatst zijn tekeningen in dialoog met modedesigns van toonaangevende modeontwerpers als Viktor & Rolf, Claes Iversen, Spijkers & Spijkers en Benchellal. Glas, tekeningen en mode worden naast elkaar getoond en laten de basisbeginselen zien achter elke tekening van Piet Paris: vorm, kleur en symmetrie.

For the record; deze tentoonstelling is afgelopen as we speak. Maar wij, van Mimi Berlin, hebben zó genoten van deze vrolijk-makende expo dat we toch de foto’s, die we gemaakt hebben tijdens ons bezoek, graag met jullie delen.

Jubileum expo te zien t/m 15 oktober 2023

35 jaar illustraties De Jubileum expositie!

Wonderful Things from Tim Walker

Wonderful Things

We, Mimi Blogger Team, visited the Tim Walker exhibition ‘Wonderful Things’ at the V&A museum in London the other day (the exhibition ran from 21 September 2019 to 22 March 2020). We are fans of the photographer Tim Walker, so we simply had to come to London all the way from Amsterdam.
As always, we took pictures for you, who couldn’t be there.


The first room, at the start of the exhibition, is filled with work made for fashion magazines. Hence the dripping ‘gloss’ from the ceiling we guess.

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Danke Schön FB Friends for the Lovely Birthday Wishes

Look see what our facebook friends posted for our birthday! How Nice is that!!!!!
Thank y’all SO much!

(Disclaimer: of course we don’t own any rights to the images above, they were virtual ‘gifts’. We don’t know who does own the rights to these images. If you are the owner, pls let us know in the conversation starter below and we’ll credit properly.) Or let’s become friends! )

Ticket Booth by Studio Job at the Moco Museum Amsterdam

Ticket Booth by Studio Job

This is the ticket booth designed by Studio Job for the Moco museum in Amsterdam. The designers named it: “The Bullshit Circus” the trailer is a textbook example of interactive pop-art.

We took these images a while ago, on November 8, 2019 to be exact. That’s the day we visited 2 openings from Studio Job. This one, at the Moco museum and the opening of the Seletti store in Amsterdam the designers work together with this Italian brand, so they were present at the opening.
Please go to the Studio Job site to get in the know about “The Bullshit Circus”.

Happy World Animal Day

World Animal Day!

Thahanks to Mr Twan Janssen who reminded us of World Animal Day by updating his facebook coverphoto. Janssen used an ‘oldie but goodie’; a still from the Mimi Berlin’s Fashion-Fest #8 Movie. The dog with the partyhat is his dog, her name is Lou. Congratulations to Lou and all the animals in the world!
Party Hats On!

Party Hats On!

(image: Still from Mimi Berlin’s Fashion-Fest #8. mimiberlinfashionfest.com)

Puck en Hans Made in Holland The Movie

Puck en Hans

Mimi Berlin Blogger Team went to the premiere of the Dutch fashion documentary ‘Puck en Hans – Made in Holland’ at the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht during the Dutch Film Festival of 2019. The film is about fashion-duo Puck Kroon and Hans Kemmink and it is directed by Peter Wingender.

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