The Ideal City/La Città Ideale in the 15th Century

The Ideal City/La Città Ideale in the 15th Century

If you paid attention during art history classes (well, even if you didn’t) you know that the paintings ‘The Ideal City/La Città Ideale’ are one of the most fine examples of Italian Renaissance work. The Ideal City/La Città Ideale is a name given to 3 paintings which are kept at Urbino, Baltimore and Berlin and are named likewise. They are also known as the Urbino perspectives. The Ideal City of Urbino is the one we would like to share with you in specific. The Ideal City of Urbino, circa 1470, tempera on panel. (image via

At the time we were in school this painting was believed to be made by Piero della Francesca. After that it was attributed to Luciano Laurana (and Francesco di Giorgio, Martini or Melozzo da Forlì.) Nowadays nobody knows for sure. (#theunneccesraythings #youneedlearnandremember) Continue reading