Niet Pissen Geen Fietsen Good Monday

Good Monday

Good Monday! Here’s an image of our first encounter with some freehand grafitti in the morning. Niet Pissen Geen Fietsen means Don’t Piss No Bycicles in Dutch. This is written on a marble slab at the entrance of a Metro station in Amsterdam. We think it’s kinda funny and a good piece of artwork as well.

Niet Pissen Geen Fietsen Good Monday

This text is probably written by the (angry) shopowner 3 seconds away from this grafitti-spot. As you can maybe see on the image; the place is a misbuilt. A dark corner of the street with no purpose whatsoever but to piss and stall your bike. We don’t understand how these kinds of places still exsist in the city of Amsterdam, they need to be torn-down or at least be lit. Fun Fact is that the metro stations in Amsterdam all got revamped earlier this year. The stainless steel stair-railings are replaced with ones in hard wood, for example. That’s a useless decision, for sure if you still have to pass these nasty dark corners around metro stations.

Weird YouTube Channel of the Week Bailey Sarian


The weird Youtube channel of the week is by Ms Bailey Sarian. Why? You ask of us. Well, Bailey is a make-up-artist with a series of video’s named Murdery Mystery & Makeup. Every monday she tells a gruesome, real crime-story while casually doing her make-up.These video’s take about half an hour. She starts out without any make-up on; full force pimples and blemishes showing. At the end of the video, when her crime-story is over she looks like a regular glamour-puss. She’s honest, does great make-up and has many followers, fascinating!

Weird YouTuber of the Week

We, at Mimi Berlin, only could stand watching one video: the one we posted below with a story about Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Let’s Make Some Conversation

We, at Mimi Berlin, remember from our childhood looking at our mother and chatting with her while she was doing her make-up. Watching Ms Sarian’s video made us think of those moments. Then it came to mind that the Murdery Mystery & Makeup video’s are maybe a lonesome situation, maybe not so much for Bailey, but for the viewers.
What do you think?
And do let us know below if you could watch more than one video!