Niet Pissen Geen Fietsen Good Monday

Good Monday

Good Monday! Here’s an image of our first encounter with some freehand grafitti in the morning. Niet Pissen Geen Fietsen means Don’t Piss No Bycicles in Dutch. This is written on a marble slab at the entrance of a Metro station in Amsterdam. We think it’s kinda funny and a good piece of artwork as well.

Niet Pissen Geen Fietsen Good Monday

This text is probably written by the (angry) shopowner 3 seconds away from this grafitti-spot. As you can maybe see on the image; the place is a misbuilt. A dark corner of the street with no purpose whatsoever but to piss and stall your bike. We don’t understand how these kinds of places still exsist in the city of Amsterdam, they need to be torn-down or at least be lit. Fun Fact is that the metro stations in Amsterdam all got revamped earlier this year. The stainless steel stair-railings are replaced with ones in hard wood, for example. That’s a useless decision, for sure if you still have to pass these nasty dark corners around metro stations.

Portraits at the Affordable Art Fair 2013

the Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam, showcases over 75 galleries, Mimi Berlin made five portraits of artists and their work .…well, we’re getting there! This art fair can be visited till Sunday 3rd of November 2013. (Your purchase will be wrapped for you at the spot!)

see more portraits like these here

Isabelle Wenzel

Building Images 2010 by Isabelle Wenzel, surprisingly she has never worked in an office. We, at Mimi Berlin, interpreted this work as Just an Average Day in the Office; it’s the perfect capturing of boredom at work in our opinion.


Building Images 2010 by and via Isabelle Wenzel.

A Day in the Life of Bettina Ballard

A Day in the Life of Bettina Ballard

“Bettina Ballard’s busy day” Photo’s by Nat Farbman. (via LIFE) Published March 1951, in LIFE magazine.

Bettina Ballard was the fashion editor of Vogue Magazine Through the 1940s and 1950s.
A Day in the Life of Bettina Ballard
“Bettina in a belted hotel robe holds a morning conference in her room at 8:00am with photographer John Rawlings and Vogue assistants Babs Simpson and Mary Haas.”
A Day in the Life of Bettina Ballard
Bettina Ballard arriving at Balenciaga at 9:15am to select clothes while wearing a Balenciaga suit.  In the car are the coats and hats of the other fashion houses she will visit that day.
A Day in the Life of Bettina Ballard
“At 10:15am, she arrived for the Schiaparelli opening and wore a Schiaparelli coat over her Balenciaga suit.  She also greeted Bergdorf Goodman buyer Jessica Daube before finding her seat”
bettina ballard
“At Schiaparelli, Vogue editor Bettina Ballard sat next to Carmel Snow, the editor in chief of rival magazine Harper’s Bazaar.  That definitely doesn’t happen today! “
bettina ballard
“After another change of clothes, she attended the Dior show wearing a black Dior suit.  She sat next to Michel de Brunhoff the editor of French Vogue. “
bettina ballard paris feb 19514
“Designer clothing can be borrowed and sent around the world for photo shoots today but in 1951, night studio sessions were the only way clothes could be obtained from the fashion houses who also needed them to show buyers. At midnight, Bettina and photographer John Rawlings direct models at a shoot.”
bettina ballard paris feb 1951 3 late dinner
“At 2:00am while most of today’s editors might be at a party, Bettina checks photos taken during the day and eats a late dinner.  She will decide what to send to Vogue editor Jessica Daves in New York and then will finally go to bed. In 1960, Bettina Ballard published a memoire In My Fashion whichfurther chronicles her life in fashion.  It’s one of the only vintage books I don’t own but I can’t wait to read it!  Bon Weekend!”
bettina ballard paris feb 1951 2“Bettina Ballard dined at the home of designer Jacques Fath with among others that included Duchesse de Brissac and Countess de Rosenberg. ”

We guess it’s still give and take, Work hard/Party hard, in the world called fashion as we know it today. (Thahanks for the underscripts/images habituallychic)