Mom Maria from the PowderBox Girls by Mimi Berlin

Mom Maria from the PowderBox Girls by Mimi Berlin

Mom Maria is one of the PowderBoxGirls made by Mimi Berlin. Like all the other women in this series he has her own story; This is Maria, she is a secluded person and does her job at night in an anonymous way; she covers her face with latex. Maria was a stay-at-home mom by day, but her son just died. She is still in mourning so she visits his grave most of the time, Actually, she visits every day and brings flowers.Mom Maria from the PowderBox Girls by Mimi Berlin

Mom Maria, 2016, Mixed media (plastic cube, 1920s porcelain halfdoll, marked ‘foreign’. Compact powder box ‘Vogue’ 1970s, petit trinketbox with portrait of a boy, latex, oversized pin.) 10 x 10 cm. Continue reading