How to Spot a Fashion Trend: 1980s BeautyAdvertisements

1980s Fashion Trend

Goodmorning Y’all. We, at Mimi Berlin, are explaining how to spot a fashion-trend today. To make it easy and basic we want to start out with a trend from the past. We do this because it can be verified; obviously this trend is an existing one from the 1980s: Red Lipstick. So we can indeed verify and prove that red lipstick trend in this post.

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Caketoppers Vintage Bridal


We, at Mimi Berlin, visited the local thriftstore the other day. On sale was a collection of caketoppers, vintage, bridal caketoppers. Amongst a group of about 10 plastic figurines, there were ugly but also a nice one; just as in real life. The bride by herself, she is our favorite, and probably made in the sixties. She looks like a doll from the Thunderbirds. We also fancy the happy couple, they look very satisfied and happy. The rest of the caketoppers seem rather uninspired.

Photocredits: Mimi Berlin