Milan Design Week 2018: Friendly Furniture

Friendly Furniture or ‘no harm’ design

Maybe it’s us. Maybe it’s a trend: Friendly Furniture. At the Milan Design week 2018 we saw too many, too much:
Sofa’s disguised as Barbapapa. (from
Rounded corners and edges; chairs, cupboards and even scissors seemed unharmful (as in babyproof).
Disproportional furniture and accessoiries making you feel small-sized. And, on top of it all; many of these designs are produced in pastel colors. (and in 70s like orange/brown colorschemes)

Oh: we almost forgot to mention the peaceful incense in the shape of a dove!

By the time we saw a presentation smiling at us we had enough of it; and longed for the next trend in line: which we predict will be no-fun, black, shiny and hard: furniture with edges designed to look uncomfortable and nasty!

Of course there is ‘no-fun’ design to be found; but it’s not yet fully descended, style und trendwise. Also a more divers colorscheme than the ‘baby-pastels’ were presented: we just feel that this trend is the most found in ‘design-land’ for the longest time.

More reports on Milan Design week 2018 by Mimi berlin Blogger Team