Milan Design Week 2018: Friendly Furniture

Friendly Furniture or ‘no harm’ design

Maybe it’s us. Maybe it’s a trend: Friendly Furniture. At the Milan Design week 2018 we saw too many, too much:
Sofa’s disguised as Barbapapa. (from
Rounded corners and edges; chairs, cupboards and even scissors seemed unharmful (as in babyproof).
Disproportional furniture and accessoiries making you feel small-sized. And, on top of it all; many of these designs are produced in pastel colors. (and in 70s like orange/brown colorschemes)

Oh: we almost forgot to mention the peaceful incense in the shape of a dove!

By the time we saw a presentation smiling at us we had enough of it; and longed for the next trend in line: which we predict will be no-fun, black, shiny and hard: furniture with edges designed to look uncomfortable and nasty!

Of course there is ‘no-fun’ design to be found; but it’s not yet fully descended, style und trendwise. Also a more divers colorscheme than the ‘baby-pastels’ were presented: we just feel that this trend is the most found in ‘design-land’ for the longest time.

More reports on Milan Design week 2018 by Mimi berlin Blogger Team

Mimi Berlin’s Fashion-Fest nr. 8

Mimi Berlin’s Fashion-Fest nr. 8

Watch Mimi’s latest self-group portrait: Mimi Berlin’s Fashion-Fest number 8. Made by us during the Party Celebration at Sexyland in Amsterdam This time we made a movie: The Party-Celebration: A party hosted by Mimi Berlin, celebrating (almost) 5 years of Mimi Berlin’s Fashion-Fest (self-group portraits by, for and with Mimi Berlin). We had Music, we had Drinks, Snacks, Sauerkraüt, Partyhats, Photographers; we had 2 Group-Photo moments and we had FUN  at Sexyland

self-group portrait

A short clip by and for Mimi Berlin’s Friends and Families, a self-group portrait: posing on the couch. The portrayed are all creative minds from The Netherlands. In daily life they try to make the world a prettier place by creating and sharing (mostly behind the scenes) in the fields of art, music, design, theater, illustration, photography, jewellry, perfume and food, and by just having fun in general. (read more
Mimi Berlin's Fashion-Fest nr. 8
Moviestill taken from Mimi Berlin’s Fashion-Fest #8: The Party-Celebration.

Thanks You Wendelien Daan!

Furniture Design by Milo Baughman

Furniture Design by Milo Baughman

Mr Baughman’s designs are obviously built on the legacy of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Marcel Breuer, but the use of modern-day materials, colors and American West Coast style make do for functional furniture which appealed, and was available, to a large public. We, at Mimi Berlin, like his dramatic designs very much and could easily live the rest of our lives with the pink sectional sofa with steel bottom.

(images via / /

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