Hammer and Pessary Ring. Medical Instruments that Look Like Designer Jewelry

Pessary Ring as Bracelet. Percussion Hammer as Brooch

While researching some antique objects on the interweb we stumbled upon an image of a pessary ring made in 1975. We’ve never used this contraceptive device so we didn’t recognize it as such. To us, at Mimi Berlin, this rubber band looks more like a bracelet; a modern design bracelet. And in our minds the percussion hammer could well be a brooch. .

(The medical items are property of the Purmerends Museum)

Online Stuff from Yesteryears

We found the images above via the online collection of National Dutch heritage. This wonderful imagebank is filled with thousands and thousands of products, ranging from stamps to glassware to well……stuff from yesteryears that can make the imagination run wild if you want to!

While we’re on the subject: click to view our post about on religious tongue piercings.

Percussion or Reflex Hammer

A reflex hammer is a medical instrument used by practitioners to test deep tendon reflexes. Testing for reflexes is an important part of the neurological physical examination in order to detect abnormalities in the central or peripheral nervous system. Reflex hammers can also be used for chest percussion.

(knowledge via wikipedia)

xoxo Mimi Berlin

Milan Design Week 2018: Friendly Furniture

Friendly Furniture or ‘no harm’ design

Maybe it’s us. Maybe it’s a trend: Friendly Furniture. At the Milan Design week 2018 we saw too many, too much:
Sofa’s disguised as Barbapapa. (from tacchini.it)
Rounded corners and edges; chairs, cupboards and even scissors seemed unharmful (as in babyproof).
Disproportional furniture and accessoiries making you feel small-sized. And, on top of it all; many of these designs are produced in pastel colors. (and in 70s like orange/brown colorschemes)

Oh: we almost forgot to mention the peaceful incense in the shape of a dove!

By the time we saw a presentation smiling at us we had enough of it; and longed for the next trend in line: which we predict will be no-fun, black, shiny and hard: furniture with edges designed to look uncomfortable and nasty!

Of course there is ‘no-fun’ design to be found; but it’s not yet fully descended, style und trendwise. Also a more divers colorscheme than the ‘baby-pastels’ were presented: we just feel that this trend is the most found in ‘design-land’ for the longest time.

More reports on Milan Design week 2018 by Mimi berlin Blogger Team

Mixer Recipe: Buttercream

Mixer Recipe: Buttercream

Today we will share a recipe with you, one that we found on the internet. It is an actual mixer-recipe! And no, we didn’t know such a thing exsisted either. Have a nice day!
Mixer Recipe: Buttercream
(A Black Bunny made with a mixer, a bowl, spatula’s and measuring cups. Made by a-MB-iance @Mimi Berlin )

For this Mixer Recipe you need: 9 large egg whites, room temperature, 1 1/2 cups sugar, 1 1/2 pounds unsweetened butter (6 sticks), softened but still cool. This is what you need to do: Place the egg whites and sugar in large metal mixer bowl set over simmering water. Whisk constantly until the sugar melts and the mixture is very thin and warm. Remove the bowl from the heat and whisk on high speed until stiff peaks form, about 5 minutes. Continue beating on low speed until cool, about 15 more minutes. To finish the cream go to read more at foodnetwork.com


Hans-Peter/Pareidolia /iseefaces

